Friday, March 29, 2013

If the Shoe Fits...

So my friend and I went to a Nike outlet this morning, and while the array of clothes were disappointing, the shoe collection next door was not too shabby.

But although there were some very nice shoes, we quickly gave up looking because we realized that they were none too cheap.

It was a brand shoe sale...

Well brand, my butt. Expensive shoes are expensive.

So instead of going home disheartened, we set out to find outrageous shoes and try them on.

That turned out to be a workout in itself.

Those shoes were super hard to get on!!

-some didn't even get halfway..

Fashion... :\

But we held fast

and managed to wrestle into some shoes enough to model in.

These orange shoes actually weren't that bad...

If it wasn't for a quarter of my heel sticking out the back. *sigh...

And these shoes really stretched my average height don't ya think?

And then there were these beauties...

which one?

all of them, of course ;D

So while we're taking these photos a bunch of people would come up to us

and be like, "are these yours?"

and to their joy, we'd say no.

knock yourself out and take whatever you want. we're not actually buying them all.

After looking at the shoes, we went on to the purses.

--no elizabeth, NONE of them!

We needed to get out of there...

I've had enough "shopping" for a good while.

And as beat-up as my boots are, I prefer these pairs of lovelies over all the shoes in that warehouse.

After escaping the mass of shoes, we came upon this place.

Desolate but beautiful, Airport Road.

The peaceful area was so refreshing after the chaos of the shoe sale.

Coupled with Elizabeth's awesome photography skills, we got some pretty cool shots.

Barbed wire and sunshine.


and chain-linked fence.

When I was younger my parents would drive and park here. We'd have gotten Indian sweets on the way and would sit in the car or maybe stand outside. Just to watch the planes go by.

When times were simple :')

When we finally get home, Elizabeth and I went for a run.

The work out felt good.

And taking selfies was just as enjoyable.

hee hee

we're such goofballs

*special thanks to Elizabeth for letting me use her photos. 
Check out her blog at

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bright Fruit and Warm Samosas

Happy -belated- Naw-Rúz and First Day of Spring!

Though it was a very wintry first day of spring...

Nevertheless, at the Toronto Bahai Centre we had a lovely array of yummy food for refreshments! -bright fruit and warm samosas a perfect contrast to the outside scene!

To think that I spent 6 hours... 

6 hours of staring at food.

That is what I was doing yesterday while my friends were at school.

6 hours of preparing drool-worthy food vs. spending a normal day at school.

I have to say, serving at the Bahai Centre's kitchen wins by a long shot! 

 -and not just because of the homework I got to put off, the sleeping in for a few extra hours, the extra food I got to eat, and the amazing program I got to see...

I really like helping out there once in a while.