Thursday, April 11, 2013

Life's Trust Fall

Since I've last blogged I was a partner-MC for a talk by Mr. Siamak Hariri about his experience designing and building the Bahai House of Worship in Santiago, Chile, in South America.

The talk was titled "Understanding the Creative Force: The Experience of Building the Chile Bahai House of Worship". 

And true to it's name, the talk was an absolute inspiration and I instantly fell in love with the building and the creative process it is going through to be built.

Mr. Hariri described ideas and creativity as something you fall into. Like trust falls, you simply have to believe that you are going to be safe in the end. You have an intuition so you just go for it and let it take you further than you could imagine.

And to think that it all started from doodles, only images of what he admired; motion and fluidity of a dancer with her skirts flown around her centre body; the perfect imperfection of woven baskets; and the kind of light that filters through a canopy of trees. 

He didn't even know what it would look like but he sculpted his vision out of trying different things, experimenting and living different opportunities. And once he found what he was looking for, he had to communicate all his ideas and designs to engineers and other people who were apart of the project in order to make it happen.

And it's interesting because this doesn't have to relate to only architecture, as much as listening to the talk made me want to pursue that career path. I had to remind myself that the idea of taking inspiration, making it into something tangible, and then sharing it with other people is a universal concept you can find anywhere.


Just this Monday I had put in a $1500 (CND) deposit for a MetoWe trip to India for August! 
The grand total is $5000 and the pressure to fundraise to cut some of the cost is on!
I just hope that my rash decision to go on this volunteering trip pays off. Then again I had been wanting to go for a looooonnnnnggg time. I guess I'll just do my best to fundraise for it and do a trust fall with life -and enjoy the super awesome trip!

Apparently yesterday was International Siblings Day. And I had no idea.

But I've actually spent a lot of time with my little brother yesterday!
Despite a lot of homework waiting for me, I watched snippets of Doctor Who (THE BEST TV SHOW EVER -alongside Avatar the Last Airbender of course), played frisbee, and watched Rise of the Guardians (-oh how I love Jack frost-) with him!

So even though I had no clue about the official Siblings Day, the wishes of the world has ensured that I made time for my brother. And the fact that I had fun with him without the obligation of the day, made it all the more sweeter. 

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