Saturday, February 2, 2013

Suitcase Packed With Clothes, Heart Packed With Memories

With a dying voice and a sore body, I return home to my beautiful bed from eventful January camps.

January 18th to 20th I was at my school's Camp Musical, a camp for all the people involved with the school play. 
As the designated photographer I had the honour of attending this camp, taking about 2,500 photos for the weekend. 

This is one of my stalker shots, creeping on the band players.

Below, is what I'd like to think as an artsy photograph, taken during one of the samba sessions of the camp.

I'm also quite proud of this action shot, taken during the massive snowball fight we had.

Even the teachers couldn't stay out of trouble.

Poor guys are pooped.

And as having such beautifully perfect packing snow warrants, we made a HUGE snowman.

I LOVE snow!

You really can't get enough of it.

And if you do, there's a toasty warm fireplace awaiting us inside.

I love how my asian slippers stand out in a line full of plain ol' socks.

I grew quite fond of these guys. They're such a spunky talented bunch. I'm glad that I had an excuse to join in on their fun, even though I don't really have any acting or musical talent.

And I'm glad we got to bond and have so much fun.

Speaking of bonding, no one bonded best than when in a Muskoka Woods colour group!
This year, I was one of the TA leaders in the Orange group. 

I gotta tell you, there were some serious water-works at the last debrief. The heart-touching moments were so long we were an hour late for lunch!
And although I didn't cry (only teared up a little..), I definitely felt that there were a lot of precious memories and friendships made during the week.

Look at us... One big happy family, both in the picture above and the one below.

Though you can't see me, I'm hidden somewhere beside the orange-clothed piggy back team at the right/center back row. 
One of my campers was with me when we tried to get into the picture. We were caught at the back so no one could see us. I tried lifting her but couldn't get her high enough. So for a few seconds we kind of hung out in the middle of this mob of photo-taking people. But then these two guys were giving each other piggy back rides and so I told them to put Christiana on one of their backs. And so there she is on Alex's back in this wonderful picture. And you don't know how happy I am to see that out of all the pictures the photographer probably took, he chose this photo where Christiana makes the picture!

Fun Fact: This picture was actually a truly massive photo-bomb. It started off with two girls taking an innocent picture and soon enough people joined in and attracted the whole gym-full of people.

Gotta love school and camps and leadership. :')

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