Saturday, February 9, 2013


I'm not a fan of jewelry but I do love bracelets. And when I say bracelets, I mean I love wearing random threads of things on my wrist. ie, rubber bands, hair ties, and camp-made friendship bracelets.

I made it at Muskoka (Suitcase Packed With Clothes, Heart Packed With Memories), at the station I helped run for the week.

The fun we had at Arts and Crafts... ;)
What you see above is a collage of pictures we took of our dress-up-the-counsellor station.

Meanwhile, I'm fashioning my own crown of feathers.

Our Arts and Crafts stations included bracelets, leather pendants, and a sweatshop of origami box-making to complete our rising pyramid!

On a side note, this song is forever playing in the background as I type up this post.
These kids are SO TALENTED and the foreign lyrics sound absolutely delicious!

Aannnd back to bracelet:

In reality I only made the different charms on the bracelet because I though they'd be fun and look quirky, but as a random experiment I'm going to give a little fact or story or quote for each charm.
So here it goes...

Green Bead:
Fact: My favourite colour is green and I adore green tea.

Light Blue Bead:
Quote: "A ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope."

Dark Green Leaf/Feather: 
*Confession: I didn't actually make this one, I adopted the abandoned fellow :3 
The green leaf can represent my love of eating healthy stuff. For example, I love broccoli and the fact that it's healthy is an extreme bonus that makes it all together irresistible. 
Law of Food: 
healthy + not yummy = try to eat more of it
unhealthy + yummy = try to eat it less of it
unhealthy + not yummy = DO NOT EAT IT
healthy + yummy = EAT IT ALL THE TIME!

Fact: Academics are very important to me. And even though this blog is all about my fun memories and lazy days, there is a huge part of my life that's completely dedicated to school and work. And alternating with the care-free days are stressful periods in which I'm swamped with work and anxiety over my academic career.

Fact: I am a dreamer.
I love to read and write and watch movies.
I daydream all the time, turning my life into dramatic story lines, spinning literary themes and theories almost constantly.

Dark Blue Sphere:
This is one of the tidbits of stories I wrote from a while back. Enjoy.
Terra dives deeper and deeper, grasping tightly to the seedling that rests against her palm. The space around her tumbles and roars, sending debris crashing into her as she delves deeper still. She cradles the seed and presses it against her chest, making sure that her body shields it from the turmoil. The chaos of the broken things subsides and the cold grips her in the open space. She floats in the vacuum, and invisible force pulling her apart. Her icy limbs struggles to pull free of their sockets and finally she has to let go of the seed. Terra pleads with her own fingers, desperately trying to grasp on to the seed as the invisible force tugs it away. She does not want to let it go. Not after this far. But her blue skin is slowly being encased in ice and the seed itself starts to tug free of Terra’s lingering hold. As the ice glazed over her eyes, Terra whispered goodbye and watched the little part of her continue the journey flying through space on its own.  But before Terra’s death, she watched Sol and Luna fly by. As they shot after the seed, Sol caught Terra’s eye though the layer of frost. Terra’s last thought penetrated through her tomb of ice and in seeing Sol’s nod of assent Terra was assured he would do nothing more or less than what she beseeched. 
“You and Luna… take care of her… my little Earth.”

Lime Green Sphere:
Fact: I love eco-friendly things. I guess you could say I am an environmentalist and that I'm down-to-earth. 
I love being outdoors, rain or shine, and especially when it's snowing. I enjoy shovelling snow and raking leaves. I stick my tongue out to catch snowflakes and rain drops. I love to run in fields and swim in lakes and seas and one of my favourite things to do is to jump the waves in the ocean.

Pink Bead:
True Story: 
One day I was coming home from school and looked at the scraggly rose bush in front of the house. Three branches stuck out with a blossoming rose sitting on each of the wiry stems. All three roses drooped low, their thin  stems unable to support their weight. I reached over to one of the roses and propped it up against the white railings of  the porch. Now I will be able to see it's beauty when I come home.
A few days later my mom was telling me about that rose. She pointed out how interesting it was that the rose stood out, reaching high up instead of drooping low like the other two. It was like the rose was showing off, drawing all the attention to its lovely petals. She told me that even though the roses were equally beautiful this one was the one that stood out as the most pretty and admired one because it made itself known. She told me that I should be like that rose.

Quote: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde
Easier said than done, but you know, it is a great endeavour and a great achievement to know yourself.

Thanks again for visiting this blog!

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