Happy Valentines day!
Though I don't really understand the whole concept. Who needs a special day to let someone know they love them?
To me, it's just another commercialized day of the year.
It's awkward but nice at the same time.
It's like Christmas. I don't celebrate either special occasions but I find a way to enjoy the perks anyways.
Christmas -school's out, great sales, fun music, and everyone's in a good mood
Valentine's Day -chocolate's on sale ...and that's about it. ]: but still, chocolate!
And speaking of chocolate, today I got a sweet surprise.
A friend of mine gave me this.
It's funny because I don't really know what being a valentine means, so I just agreed and thanked him for the Smarties. And then we talked a bit about math and parted ways.
At home I sent him this.
Ah, I'm such a charmer. (;
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